A top network marketer and owner of SBI explain how the internet is the most effective way to market your opportunity.

As a bonus, if you fill in the form below, you will receive access to not just one, but two excellent webinars, hosted by Lou Abbott, where he interviews Ann Sieg and the founder of SiteSell inc., Dr. Ken Evoy, get your recordings now. Absolutely FREE!

    Sign up below to get your FREE webinar interviews and BONUS notes.

Dear Friend,

As you've probably noticed, MLM has been going through a lot of changes over the past few years. Closely-guarded strategies that were once practiced by only a select few are now being taught out in the open.

"Unconventional" marketing techniques that enabled one individual to sponsor hundreds and even thousands of people themselves - the same kind of numbers that entire organizations put together produce - are becoming commonplace and are being implemented by more and more people.

It's pretty simple to explain what has happened. Traditional MLM business building methods were designed to work for someone who has little or no prior experience in sales or marketing. Which is fine... IF the playing field remains level and everyone sticks to using those methods.

But what happens when a few people start catching on and begin venturing outside the realm of MLM to study marketing that was designed to work in "the real world?"

What happens when a few people say, "Are you kidding me? I'm not doing that!" and then begin applying these real-world marketing techniques to an industry where everyone else is being held to the lowest common denominator?

Well, what happens is, they clean house. And while everyone else has been dutifully talking to their friends and family and cold calling opportunity leads, those people who dared to think outside the box have been having a free-for-all.

Just a few of the things this "renegade" group of MLMers have learned how to do are (things you'll learn in my ebook "The Renegade Network Marketer"):

How to sell to 1,000 (or even 10,000) people in the same amount of time it personally takes you to sell to one.

How to turn the lead generation process itself into a source of profits rather than a drain on your cashflow.

How to setup a marketing pipeline that allows your prospects to sell AND close themselves without being force-fed any hardcore sales pitches.

How to make money from people who say "no" to your opportunity (or anything else you're selling for that matter).

How to generate multiple streams of income to finance the growth of your business.

"The best investment I have ever made!"

This is the best purchase I have ever made, and it is worth far more than you charged! I expect to reread the book over and over and over again. Nothing before has given me such a clear picture of what MLM is all about. I have spent a fortune on materials, and this is, far and away, the best investment I have ever made.      -Raymond Earl Watson 

It's true, at one point a lot of these techniques were out of reach for most people because of the difficulties of doing it in the offline world. But the internet has changed all that.

It took some time for these strategies to really pick up steam, but now that the cat's been let out of the bag, there's no turning back for this industry.

There are just too many people "in the know."

And no one, after learning how to get business to come to them, ever goes back to doing it the old way.

Now, along with these methodologies has come an abundance of new information and it can be a little hard to keep up with things. The number of ways one can promote their business online is mind-boggling.

However, one thing has become very clear:

In Order To Succeed In MLM Today, You Need Your Own Website.

It's the ULTIMATE prospecting tool. Not a cookie cutter, replicated-type website, mind you. Your own honest-to-goodness website. I'd like to tell you that having a replicated site (you know, one that looks like this: www.xyzcompany.com/yourid# or this: www.yourname.xyzcompany.com) is all you need - and a couple years ago that may have been the case - but not anymore.

Don't get me wrong - they have their place (as a piece within your own system) and you can get by using just a replicated site for awhile... but in the long-run, the only way you can truly be successful is by having a website that centers around you. Everyone who's serious about building their business and who makes good money online has their own website that they have full control over. And I do mean everyone.

Years ago, when I was really starting to grow for the first time and I was faced with the choice of continuing to use a company replicated site that offered me some limited "customization" options vs. building my own site, I received what turned out to be the best advice I've ever gotten in this business.

One of my coaches at the time said, "Ann, you need to become a truly independent marketer." I ended up building my own site of course, and have gone on from there to create a $90,000+ a month business.

Here are 3 big reasons why YOU need to create your own website:

1. You need to have people chasing you instead of the other way around. Your own site is the primary tool for accomplishing this.

2. You need to differentiate yourself from everyone else out there. No one's going to want to do business with you if they don't have a compelling enough reason why.

3. In order to be successful online, you need to generate traffic (aka - visitors).

All of these are important but number three is especially noteworthy here because EVERYONE wants to know how to generate traffic these days. That's the number one question and challenge I hear when I talk with people.

Well...If you don't have your own website, you're already playing with a major handicap!

What many people don't realize is that traffic generation doesn't start with the search engines or the ads you place... it starts with having a good website. And the problem is, if all you have is a replicated website, you're extremely limited in what you can do online.

People who own their own site play by a different set of rules. A whole new world of possibilities opens up to you.

Here's The Challenge

What if you don't have the $5,000 to invest in hiring someone to build your site?

You May Not Have the Time To Learn How To:

Write html to build your web pages?
Program an Auto Responder series?
Submit Your Pages To The Search Engines?
Design Forms To Gather Information From Your Site Visitors?
Build a web blog?
Customize the entire look and feel of your site?
Design pop up windows, messages and alerts?
Design a newsletter or ezine delivery system?
Where can you find a system that does this work for you?

Can it be done for less than $1,000?

What if you run into trouble and need a hand?

I asked the same questions.

When it comes to building a website that works, you need more than just a site editing program and a hosting package... you need someone who's a master at internet marketing to take you by the hand and show you step-by-step how to do it. You need a success partner. But who?

I've Got The Road Map... Here's Your Vehicle

I was looking for the best web site building system on the Internet. But one nagging question came up again.

Can network marketers with no web site building experience, limited time, and a limited budget really build a professional web site that works... without pain?

If you think of 'The Renegade Network Marketer' as your road map or marketing blueprint to build your MLM business, then you will understand my excitement when I read the words at networkmarketing.sitesell.com/mtavalah712.html about Network Marketing.

Since my whole business life is built around the nuts and bolts knowledge of how to actually do it, I decided to check the author out for myself. I needed to do my due diligence and read beyond the article. I needed to make sure that the author (Dr. Ken Evoy) "walked his talk". Why was this so important? Because I know the Net has the potential to enable MLMers to become successful in a way that has never been achievable offline.

But I also know that most MLMers, while motivated to succeed, can't handle all the barriers to building a successful Web site.

Yes, anyone can "put a web site up." But I needed a partner with the skills and tools that would enable you to actually make sense of it all and build a website that does what you need it to do: Get business to come to you. And that is exactly what Ken has done.

Ken Evoy not only walks his talk, he runs it. He over-delivers! Do you know how rare it is to find people who under promise and over-deliver?

Ken is the creator of the revolutionary "next generation" Web site-building/hosting/marketing system, Site Build It!. It was created with the intent to help small businesses compete with the "big boys" when it came to a business presence on the Internet.

His business philosophy is to offer the absolute best tools and information available on the market in the most accessible format and at the most affordable price. He feels strongly that every small or home based business can be empowered to use the Internet to leverage their income-building potential.

It is with this in mind that SiteSell has developed its breakthrough Web site-building, hosting, e-marketing solution that delivers real traffic and guaranteed results to novices and savvy pros alike. Some call Site Build It! "The Next Generation of Web Hosting".

I'm convinced that Site Build It! creator, Ken Evoy, is someone who shares my renegade philosophy in the area of web business building and am proud to join him in helping you.

I'll join you later on in this page, where Ken and I together will offer you two really special happenings.

Dr. Ken Evoy

The Internet Marketer Of The DecadeDr. Ken Evoy
Founder -  President

Hello. Ken Evoy here. Over the past 10 years, we've built a company that focuses on over-delivering success. It started with a book that sold over 100,000 copies and became widely called the Bible of Internet Marketing. It grew into something bigger and better...

Site Build It! ("SBI!") combines a logical, natural, powerful process with all the tools you need to execute flawlessly. It combines the best information from the Web marketing world and unique tools into a genuinely do-able step-by-step package. Absolutely nothing else is needed to succeed online.

"Hot name marketers" have come and gone over the past decade. But no person, no company, has empowered more everyday small business people to lead lives of financial and personal freedom online during that time than SiteSell.

Along the way, we've been interested in, and puzzled by, the Multi-Level Marketing industry. Our Web site has explained our philosophy about MLM. And a growing number of people have been discovering it... and succeeding with it.

Which is how Ann and I came to meet. Literally. People who were buying her fabulous book and using Site Build It! started popping up all over with success stories... in our forums, in raving letters to our Support staff, even in private reports that I personally receive (suddenly, some of our leading affiliates were folks who read Ann's book and started using Site Build It!).

                  "I have dramatically changed my approach to network marketing!"


Since purchasing and reading The Renegade, I have dramatically changed my approach to network marketing. Almost 100% of my marketing effort is now done online.

Since I am a complete Internet novice, I followed the Renegade's advice and used SBI to build my own Web site. Their directions and help proved invaluable in putting together a theme based content site which is now highly monetized.


And so, I called Ann to find out what the heck she was doing. We knew that our approach worked, but as I mentioned, we were puzzled... why were we suddenly seeing so many MLM success stories? And then it hit me, as I chatted with Ann...

We know Internet Marketing, yes. We know it better than any other company in the world. That may sound immodest, but if you google us, you'll find that customers don't just like us, they rave about us. And that's because our sole focus is their success. And they succeed no matter how badly they may have failed before.

So... we know Internet marketing. And we knew our philosophy and approach to Network marketing worked. But it took Ann to put 2 plus 2 together. You see, she "gets" MLM at that deep place in one's belly that can only come from going through the fire of experience, something we've not done.

So... Ann knows Network Marketing. She knows the good stuff and the bad. And she's not afraid to talk about pain and humiliation. She tells people how and why you can still use classic MLM principles, but in totally new and powerful and prideful ways online.

I learned about Ann as we chatted excitedly, two kindred spirits with the same burning desire to empower others to succeed, each the missing piece to the other's puzzle. I learned that this was not a person who was afraid to say what needed to be said, things that would be unpopular amongst those who were used to the old, offline ways of Network Marketing. To make a long story short...

It's scary how much Ann and I are on the same wavelength.  My mind had boggled at how badly NETwork marketing was (and for the most part, still is) being done on the InterNET! Finally, here was a big-time, professional Network Marketer who "fully gets it"... that the Web changes all the rules... that it opens up gigantic, pride-filled opportunities. And, unfortunately, the most explosive part...

The industry itself was holding ordinary people back.

I mean... Multi-Level Marketing is a model that has always been based on NETWORKING. And it was totally missing the ultimate network of all time, the InterNET.

Offline MLM has been seriously broken for a long time. And now, it simply makes no sense at all, not when you can build a Web site using Site Build It! to "talk to" hundreds of people per day without having to bother a single friend or family to join your business (your so-called "warm circle" who like you but really don't want another "biz opp").

Online? The MLM industry does all it can to suppress you from using the Net the way it should be. They want to control you instead of empower you. Lead-selling vultures run rampant, ready to prey off your crippled Web presence. Let's summarize the online experience... "10 years of doing it wrong." This, too, is all about to be swept away by a natural, powerful way to network-market with pride.

Where's The Broom? The Sweep Is On!

Now, correct me if I'm wrong here, because it's Ann who's the expert in MLM. But it seems to me that the key to building significant revenues in Network Marketing is to build your "downline" and to make sales...

Downline x Sales = Significant Residual Income

Simple enough? Online, yes. But offline, it's an illusion for all but the exceptionally gifted. The vast majority fail, for a variety of reasons... fear, lack of opportunity, shyness, personal circumstances. I'm not telling you anything new, but the industry just glosses over all that pain and instead tries to motivate you even more!

Here's the problem, as Ann tells me. You are motivated. But let's face it. Most people find "hard-selling" hard to do (despite real passion for a company's products). And it gets downright humiliating when friends and family start avoiding you. None of those old strategies are needed when you take your MLM business online.

Instead, your site prospects for you, finding like-minded people from around the globe who want to talk with you. As a matter of fact, they initiate contact! Done properly, online Network Marketing online not only succeeds beyond anything you've done offline, it fills you with pride to do it!

Turn The Tables Completely Around

The stay-at-home spouse can now have a world-wide circle of contacts! And the shy, soft spoken person? He can speak with a booming voice! It's easy to speak to folks when they call you, when they want to speak to you. And that's what your site will cause them to do.

You create a high-traffic content site (yes, Site Build It! enables you to do that). Become an expert in your niche, in your visitors' eyes. You build your own pipeline of warm leads...

                                  "In just over a month, I've had 390 visitors and 12 leads!"


I purchased SBI recently after reading your recommendation of SBI in the renegade system. It took several weeks to construct a legitimate website. I completed it a little over a month ago.

Although I still want to add some pages and a blog and ezine, my site is already generating traffic and several leads. In just over a month, I've had 390 visitors and 12 leads. And this, of course, is just the beginning.

Thank you for your recommendation!.

Brad Kopec

Imagine the scenario where you do not have to tap on someone's shoulder at an airport? Imagine instead that strangers from around the world tap on
your shoulder, thanking you for the great info, calling you or e-mailing you with questions.

5, 10, 20 leads per day. This is perfectly do-able through your SBI! site. That's better than the best "diamond" can do offline.

So why in the world would an entire industry try to "keep things as they are?" For all the wrong reasons. It's a common enough phenomenon and it takes a certain kind of person to cause change...


People who change their worlds are usually considered disruptors. Did you know that the Australian doctor who discovered the real cure for ulcers (surgeons used to cut out stomachs for bad cases) was castigated by the established medical community? Or do you remember how the old-fashioned music industry was totally shocked by the concept of digital distribution of music? Now music is sold over the Internet and soon that will be the main way you buy music. Well...

Ann may be stepping on a few old-fashioned toes to do it, but you have to break a few old eggs to make a new omelet. Like music, the slow, old-fashioned, offline (and painful) way of doing MLM is going to be replaced with true networking... reaching around the world to find like-minded people interested in you, your products and your business opportunity.

The first ones who understand this and finally harness the prospecting and networking power of the Web... the first to truly use the Net with what Ann calls "effectiveness" (which is not the same as "efficiency" -- her book is simply must reading for anyone who wants to do MLM online)... the first who really get and use the 2 + 2 combination of The Renegade Marketer and Site Build It!?...

They are going to be the diamonds of tomorrow! Those who don't will become irrelevant.

Would you like another example of Ann's rule-breaking advice? Sure...

Ann advocates using your Web site for more than just MLM income. Instead of paying, paying, paying to grow your business, you earn, earn, earn as you learn, learn. You earn from several income sources, not just MLM.

As a result, you are in control. Online, it's your business if you do it right.

                      "I am capturing contact info on 2-3 NEW prospects each day!"


I have been online for just about a month now, and in addition to earning income through increasing affiliate sales on a steady basis, I am capturing contact info on 2-3 NEW prospects each day through a registration opt-in page for my newsletter.

While I continue building and optimizing the site I am also using Google Adwords to attract visitors. I am now talking to prospects from Australia to Vermont each day about my MLM business opportunity, and look forward to having many of them as associates very soon.

Thanks for your help!

Jim McCormick 

So, not only does your site prospect and generate warm leads for you, it earns you substantial income from those who decide not to contact you. It's all explained in Ann's book, and Site Build It! enables you do actually make it happen.

I'm excited to have met Ann. She's the disruptor that MLM so desperately needs. SBI! is the tool that executes what Ann teaches so brilliantly. And you are at the cutting edge, ready to finally earn the potential you know exists in Network Marketing.

Together, let's change how Network Marketing "Net-WORKS".

What Can Site Build It!  Do For You? You will execute successfully. There is no other collection of process-and-all-the-tools that puts the majority of SBI! owners into the Top 3% of all Web sites. And beyond that, there's grace and power when you apply SBI! to Ann's approach to online MLM...

No need to "bother" anyone ever again. You take MLM out of the "offline dark ages" and into the online e-world of natural networking and warm lead generation. Like-minded people come to you!

You finally realize the income potential of Network Marketing that comes from both product sales and downline-building. Most importantly, you take proud control of your business and succeed!

And you will earn income in as many different ways as you like. The diversification of multiple streams of income both grows your income and stabilizes it (because you are no longer dependent on any single source).

And there's more than one way to diversify. You can earn income by selling Google ads on your site, through affiliate income, or by using many other online methods. Or you can simply diversify MLM programs (Heresy? Ann and I say it's good business and the wave of the future)...

                                              "This past August I did about $45,000 in sales!"

Dear Ken,

A few years back I decided I needed to try network marketing via the internet. I floundered. Nothing worked.

What turned everything around was SBI. I followed your advice and took something that I knew a lot about, autoimmune diseases, and built gethealthyagain.com slowly, in the evenings as I was working. I gave a lot of information, everything I knew, having learned from your example and teachings.

By February I had to quit my job as I was too busy. This past August I did about $45,000 in sales. That's not counting the $5000 in MLM commissions generated by those pages too.

This venture has proved to be very successful. I am probably the top retailer/product mover in 4 different MLMs. The prospect of trying to get back to the huge number of folks who have emailed me is overwhelming at this point.

Thanks! You gave me the vision and the direction.

Robert Harrison AK, U.S.A.

"Free Videos From Mike Dillard, Reveal How You Can Generate Endless Leads And Build Any Home Business, Even If Your On A Budget!"

Ann And Ken Make Their Conversations Public

OK, time to bring Ann back into the conversation right here...

Hi, Ann and Ken here. We learned so much from each other during our conversations, pushed each other's thinking, that we decided to make our talks public and give copies of the webinars to you. Many marketers would sell eye-opening material like this. It's something that you will never have seen or heard before.

The webinars are our gifts to you. Think of them as the beginning of your e-journey to a happy, excited, and profitable online MLM business.

Introduction and Overview of Webinars:

The online practice of Network Marketing is not "MLM." MLM is merely how you get paid.

How you do it is through networking. What could be more natural than to NETwork on the InterNET? Hence, the term... "InterNETwork marketing."

Offline, the networking process is labor-intensive, time-limited and often painful/humiliating. The sharp use of the Net to truly network and build your NM business, while also monetizing in other ways, is how you achieve profitable results and gain ongoing business independence.

Ann Sieg, an experienced Network Marketer, and Ken discuss InterNETwork Marketing in two separate webinars, moderated by Lou Abbott, another well-known and respected name in the online Network Marketing world.

Have your keyboard ready to take notes. These two recordings are loaded with information you will actually use for years to come...

Webinar #1

Ann knows Network Marketing. She knows the good stuff and the bad. And she's not afraid to talk about pain and humiliation. Ann tells you how and why you can still use classic MLM principles, but in totally new and powerful ways online.

Webinar #2

SBI! is the tool that executes what Ken and Ann both teach and helps you become an effective and truly independent marketer. (And, of course, your downline can do the same!)

    Sign up here to receive your two complimentary webinars.

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