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Bob Procter- Life Success Productions
Here is a link to the Freedom series-
Here you will find the original introduction in audio format for your listening enjoyment,


For health and wellness using the principles of the law of attraction

The Freedom Series-by Bob Procter

     Bob Procter's "Freedom Series" is an excellent program about "the law of attraction".If you are asking yourself the question; Why aren't things changing for me? If it's any consolation to you. Your not the only person out there asking this question. In this program, Bob explains how the thoughts you have, create a paradigm that not only controls the thoughts you have, but also, the choices you make as a result of those thoughts.
     Loyd Conant once said, in the Lead the Field seminar, "The mind is like a fertile land. You can have a seed of corn planted, and in the same field, have weeds and poison." They both would grow. Our mind works the same way, we have weeds and poison in our minds that need to be expelled. They first, need to be recognized, then you can work on getting them out of your life. You could spend the rest of your life trying to find out where these seeds came from, but, there's no use wasting your time and energy. Once you see them for what they are, you can focus your attention to creating physical and mental actions that are in direct retaliation.
     I'm talking about a very simple law. That law of attraction. The law of attraction, not unlike the law of gravity, is a universal law. Simply stated, like attracts like. Like thoughts, produce like actions. If you think you can't do something, you won't. On the other hand, if you think you can, you will.
     Now I know what your thinking, if it were really that simple, then, why aren't more people satisfied with their lives, even gratified? You will find the answer to that question and many more, in "The Freedom Series" by Bob Procter.